This Anti Smoking ad was thought of by my team and me. The irony of the whole exercise was that we smoked much more than usual while trying to wrestle with photoshop. (We were using it for the first time) It says, 'Life is Beautifu...' the idea was actually to type the whole word but then while writing I stopped and dropped the ' l ' , which gives it a more creepy feeling I thought.

This is my favourite. 'Smoking Kills', it says. What a way to bang in a social service message while promoting a product. Great work. Advertising Rocks!! I think the new ad from Happy Dent Chewing Gums is so damn innovative and then the current rage- the Nike one...where they play cricket on buses and...... (oooh!! nice) Just Do It...
Anti-Smoking Advertisement created by Jainesh
Aah!! I love this one, for the simple reason that it just came, pooof!!, just like that. This was done in ten minutes flat. ('Love is looking into each other's eyes, Love is watching the sunset together, Love is always wanting to see her smile, Love is anything but Blind, Spread Love, Donate Eyes') Would really like some feedback on these friends. Thank you. I know you must be really bored with my indulgence in self appreciation, so before I go on further, here are a few ads not created by me... 
This is the Wrangler ad for their camouflage jeans. Need I say anything further!

This is my favourite. 'Smoking Kills', it says. What a way to bang in a social service message while promoting a product. Great work. Advertising Rocks!! I think the new ad from Happy Dent Chewing Gums is so damn innovative and then the current rage- the Nike one...where they play cricket on buses and...... (oooh!! nice) Just Do It...

Fight Against Aids