Funny India- Humor In Pictures
0 Comments - 05 Feb 2012
India is a varied nation with a vast expanse of culture and religions mingling with each other. These are some of the funniest images depicting India as it really is. Enjoy! Check out more Funny...

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Very Funny Interview Of A Doctor- Dont Miss It
0 Comments - 27 Aug 2011
I love this Doctor I found this amazing interview of a Doctor- this one is for all those fitness freak douchebags who think they can walk and talk forever... read on... Q: Doctor, I've heard that c...

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February 05, 2012

Funny India- Humor In Pictures

India is a varied nation with a vast expanse of culture and religions mingling with each other. These are some of the funniest images depicting India as it really is. Enjoy! Check out more Funny
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August 27, 2011

Very Funny Interview Of A Doctor- Dont Miss It

I love this Doctor I found this amazing interview of a Doctor- this one is for all those fitness freak douchebags who think they can walk and talk forever... read on... Q: Doctor, I've heard that c
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Social Awareness Ads Created On Photoshop

This is when I first learnt about Photoshop. These ads were created while learning how to use Photoshop. (You shall see the amateurish work). But the thoughts behind these social awareness adverts ar
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August 24, 2011

Wish I Was Calvin Again...

Wish I was Calvin again. I miss my Hobbes. Oh! how I wish to go back in time and relive the moments of my childhood, how I wish I could just transmogrify the whole world as I wanted it to be. I alway
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August 12, 2011

18 Rules Every Man Wishes Girls Knew

Here are some rules that guys wished that every Girl knew... If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us. Birthdays, Valentines, and Anniversaries are not quests to see if he can find t
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August 09, 2011

An Interesting Story... Very Interesting

A very good friend sent this story to me. I found it really interesting. Read on.... An interesting story... At the 1994 annual awards dinner given for Forensic Science, AAFS President Dr. Don Har
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July 13, 2011

Mumbai Devastated:

This was an article written by me just after the 26th November attack on Mumbai. Today, not much has changed. The anger remains, the tut, tut, tuts are the same, the reactions are the same. I don't
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Visual Jokes- All Articles

Here's a list of some visual jokes I come across the internet from time to time or sometimes it is friends who send them as mails or blackberry messages, etc... I find them really funny...hope you
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July 12, 2011

Funny Advertisements & TV Commercials

This is really funny. I Found it on YouTube. Just check it out. Click for More Visual Jokes
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February 13, 2011

Happy Valentine’s Day- Definition Of Love By Calvin & Hobbes

Valentine’s Day And Love From The Eyes Of Calvin & HobbesHere’s wishing all of you a very Happy Valentine’s Day. What is love? Look at the comic strips below to learn about it all from none othe
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